I have the DELL INSPIRON 17R5737 17-Inch LAPTOP
Intel Core i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz. 2.40GHz
8.00GB (7.88 GB Usable)
64 Bit, x84-based Processor
Mine is having problems on powering down after one of the recent WIN 10 upgrades...
I select the POWER OFF from the screen and everything shuts down except I still have one light on the edge of the laptop and my fantray USB port is still active... To totally shut down I have to push the POWER OFF button under the LAPTOP lid for a few seconds...
I use my my DELL LAPTOP to run dual 24-inch monitors and external Keyboard - sound using the USB ports etc... Sort of a bummer I have to open the lid to turn it off... Have been doing this for a few months now...
Will try the setting the POWER OPTIONs all to OFF and then setup again... Sounds like a quick fix if it works for me...
Strange things is we have three Dells Laptops and one HP Laptop that was all upgraded to WIN10 at the same time back then on-line when told to do it...
My computer may be the only one doing this but come to think about it that mine in the only one running external monitors-keyboard etc. I only open my DELL to turn it ON and after it comes up onscreen looking for log-in I close the lid and use my external items to do the startup... Everything works great - login to full boot to screen display is usually less than a minute...
These newer high-end laptops from QVC-HSN that replaced all of my older WIN XP and WIN 7 - 8.1 machines really screams performance wise...
Roy Ken