Forum Discussion

RCtime's avatar
Nov 15, 2013

Digital cable TV converter?

Many cable co.'s are now converting over to digital cable TV.
I have two over the air digital converters for my front and rear Tv that work just fine.
Is there a generic digital cable tv converter box that will work with all the different cable TV companies that are out there.
A one size fits all just like the over the air digital converter box I now use?
  • I have two over the air digital converters for my front and rear Tv that work just fine

    the OP is still using ANALOG tv'S

    he's looking for a generic QAM converter for digital cable to analog/video output

    maybe something like this 'Might' work

    iView DTV converter

    specs say QAM compatible (decode)
  • Where I winter, they moved to Comcast digital but the CG has recievers to give out while staying. If you don't turn it in when you leave, they charge against your card. If you need a second reciever (for those with two tvs) you must go to the Comcast office and pick one up with the same restriction that if you don't return it they charge your card. Its not the best setup, but I don't find it to be too bad. The good side is if your there for several months, they have Internet service for $15 a month for first six months which works well for most people.
  • I am currently watching digital cable in the campground here in Sequim, WA. No converter box required! Hopefully!, most campgrounds will provide this type service since if they do not the cable company's converter box will likely need to be installed at each TV.
  • open in the clear NON-encrypted digital cable is QAM

    yes there are Stand Alone Tuners that do QAM amongst OTA ATSC etc..
    and output A/V and componet signals
    you can find them in the Computer depart of Fry's and Best Buy , new egg etc..
    BUT your cable company 'might' encrypt everything requiring that you must 'rent/use' one of their boxes

    this one is from New Egg

    at $179 i think you will be happier getting the one from your cable company
  • Depends on if its scrambled or clear QAM. If scrambled, you're not going to find anything over the counter. If Clear QAM, most if not all digital TV receivers already do that