I will discuss 4 types of antennas and why I like or do not like them
1: OmniDirectional: No gain, short range, subject to multi-path interference JUNK
2: Manual Direcitonal Antennas (Batwing with wingman, Winegard Sensar IV) Best antennas for RV use. beyond a doubt.. Better antennas for fixed site but not for RV use
"Intelligent Self Aiming antennas".. Now this is a special case. I have a couple of digital adapters.. ONE has the ability to "chat" with the antenna and some antennas can aim themselves electronically based on what the receiver wants (Chat is over a 2nd data cable by the way) Only good for one TV at a time or all tv's on the same station.. ALso the only one I've seen is not that good on range.
Rayzar Automatic Antenna... I'm not sure how this works but I suspect it picks the strongest carrier and peaks it. That is logical
During the summer half the time that would be great, the other half I need to be two notches east of peak on the strongest signal.. And alas, the automatic, I don't know how to do that. But with the Batwing+Wingman.. Works great.