If I put the Genie out of the house when I go on the road, then my wife who may not be with me (like a NASCAR race) she won't be too happy about not having any TV. Plus to remove it is a pain in the wazoo, thanks to the way I installed it with all the other electronic stuff.
I used to do a "move the receiver" from the garage to the RV, but long ago figured for $7 I can just put a receiver in the rollin' condo and leave it there. (use it 11 months out of the year anyhow) Also there is the issue of for each TV on the Genie system you need a "mini Genie" and currently DirecTV is getting $10 a month for each one. So yes, I can avoid a "second account" but it's a pain in the wazoo to do it.
"LDN" is what "DNS" was called back in the 90s when it came out, and it is no longer available, since DirecTV started carrying local networks, something they did not do in 1994 when I got my first DirecTV receiver. From what I understand now you can get local networks when you are in your RV and out of your local area. Don't know how that works as I don't use it. In my house the networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) on my Genie system are the same 8 channels as when I am "on the road". There are two feeds for each network (hence 8 channels) 4 from New York, 4 from Los Angeles. If I want the "locals" where I live, I just get them over the air. (just put a new Winegard Razar antenna in place of the old crank up one....really works great)
What I just described since I have the "old" LDS package is how I get local networks no matter where I am, but without the "separate account" you mentioned.
I am reluctant to change my regular package as it too is a "grandfathered" and is lot cheaper for all the channels I get than the current ones offered. Seem to remember it was discontinued about 15 years ago.
Note about my garage...the receiver (R22-100) I had was the only one DirecTV made that was both SD and HD capable. All I had to do was swap the round antenna for a slimline and presto! HD in the garage, aka "Man Cave (47x54 detached, built to hold the rollin' condo with 14 feet left over!)
I've decided to "hold off" on changing the rollin' condo SD system until April when supposedly the SD goes away. Heard all manner of conversations on line as well as from DirecTV and some suppliers like Winegard and Solid Signal as to "when exactly" the "death of SD" is actually going to happen. Who knows, it may have been a "marketing ploy" by DirecTV to get subscribers to upgrade to HD.....with AT&T in charge, it's a distinct possibility!