Well. they feel they have you, as they say, "By the short hairs" and can thus make you pay pay pay.. What's worse is they (In cooperation with cable TV) have tried to put over the air broadcast TV out of business.
NOW: I have a DISH VIP-211K,, Not currently active,, I have an automatic in-motion dome (Also not currenctly active)
I'm watching Over The Air.
You may have seen the ads for assorted Cable or Sat services that go something like this:
ONLY _____ Lets you record in one room watch in any room pause and resume in a different room or even take it with you on your portable device or computer"
You see, I do that with Over the Air TV.. I can watch a show recorded in the bedroom, in the living room, or the the other way around, Start in one room finish in another.. Download to my host computer and serve it to any of my computer devices (Phone/Tablet/laptops) and watch anywhere. Store on the half Terabyte drive (This laptop) for later viewing on the TV's. Burn to DVD if I wish. All with OVER THE AIR television, a Winegard Sensar II with Batwing and Sensar Pro, two ATSC digital converters, Two REPLAY TV DVR's and if I want to watch a 3rd show while two are recording... Well.. The TV's can do that live.
My problem is not lack of TV, it's so many shows, not enough hours.
Still, thinking about putting my FTA Sat TV receiver on the other DVR.. I mean.. There is always NASA TV (which is on Sat 119, Dish, and is not encoded last I checked) That's the one channel I miss.