My HR24 receiver (two tuner DVR) can use either SWM or the standard interface. Your new receiver may/may not be compatible.
But the receiver does not detect the dish type so you must go through setup and change the dish type and other parameters.
Here are my setup instructions for 3 different dish types. I no longer use the portable dish so the switch between my home slimline 5 and the MH SWM involves only the dish type change since both TVs are HDTV. The portable dish was used with the same receiver and a smaller SD TV.
Home – Slimline 5 Dish and HD Channels
1. Install 2 B-Band Converters
2. Turn on receiver wait for setup to complete (about 5 minutes).
3. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Display-TV Ratio: Widescreen 16:9
4. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display -TV Resolutions: Check all resolutions.
5. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display – Video: On, Pillar Box, Dark Gray
6. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Display-Preferences-Guide HD Channels: Hide SD duplicates.
7. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings -Satellite-Repeat Satellite Setup: Dish setup: Option 4 – Slimline 5 02: Multiswitch Dual. To confirm: Menu-Setup-System Setup-Info & Test-More System Info and confirm dish type
MH – HD Dish – SWM Dish and HD Channels
1. Do not install B-Band Converters
2. Plug in 3 power cords. Turn on receiver wait for setup to complete (about 5 minutes).
3. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Display-TV Ratio: Widescreen 16:9
4. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display -TV Resolutions: Check all resolutions.
5. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display – Video: On, Pillar Box, Dark Gray
6. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Display-Preferences-Guide HD Channels: Hide SD duplicates.
7. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings -Satellite-Repeat Satellite Setup: Dish setup: Option 17 Swimline-3S(SWM), 01: SWM, Dual. To confirm: Menu-Setup-System Setup-Info & Test-More System Info and confirm dish type
MH – Portable 18” Dish and SD Channels Only
1. Do not install B-Band Converters
2. Plug in 2 power cords. Turn on receiver wait for setup to complete (about 5 minutes)
3. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Satellite-View Satellite Strength-Satellite 101
4. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display -TV Ratio: Standard 4:3
5. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display -TV Resolutions: Check 480i only
6. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings- Display – Video: On, Pillar Box, Dark Gray
7. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Display-Preferences-Guide HD Channels: Hide HD duplcates. Note: This takes a few minutes to change.
8. The MH Portable dish will not record HD and will display ln not found for HD channels.
9. Menu-Settings & Help-Settings-Satellite-Repeat Satellite Setup: Dish setup: Option 1 – 18” round dish 02: Multiswitch Dual. To confirm: Menu-Setup-System Setup-Info & Test-More System Info and confirm.