I do appreciate the input, but, see, here is the thing. I don't want to become a satellite TV technician. I just want someone to tell me in plain english what I need. DirecTV doesn't seem to know what is necessary to run their own system. The people selling the antennas talk in SWM and Pl-29's etc. and how one antenna or receiver at home won't be compatible with the antenna or receiver in the RV. I have run into the same problems with trying to get an inverter and solar panels installed in the RV and it is beyond frustrating. We are just normal people with probably slightly above normal skills, I am a form designer and I could create a 12 page form for you on my computer in a few hours (that you could actually fill out) and my husband is a paramedic. We have built an addition on our house, including cutting down the trees and helping at the mill, electric and plumbing, and we can both fix simple problems with our cars. I can't tell you the amount of time we have spent on TV, inverter and solar projects for the RV that seem like they should be pretty simple for someone who is in the business to tell us what we need. Thanks for listening, that rant felt good......