This is going to sound long and complicated but its not.
The DISH Tailgater is $349 and the Reciever is around $99. Get the 211k and not the 211z... The Z does not have a coax output should you want to run a sat line to another TV. (additional tv's will be in SD without HDMI) If you don't think you will go to a second TV the 211Z will work fine.
The Tailgater will find the Sats for you, you will get HD programming and it only requires one cable for signal and power "the coax"
I bought My Tailgater from CW and also bought an additional 3 year in store replacement for around $50 extra. (CW is only advertizing the 211z receiver)
I use a 211k at home so I just take my reciever with me when I go in the RV. I don't have to call Dish or change anything BUT if you want local programming like local news when you get to where your going, you just call dish and they will switch it for you no charge..
Hook up could not be simpler. Once you have signed up with Dish for your programming, Set Tailgater pointing south No obstructions, It comes with 50" of cable so you can pick your best spot.
Connect Coax from Tailgater to back of 211k, Connect Sat reciever to TV via HDMI cable. Set TV to HDMI which ever HDMI slot you plugged into. Plug in Receiver to 110 outlet or inverter and follow on screen instructions like picking what state your in. Setup will begin and in about 5 to 10 minutes you will have HD Sat channels and program guide.
If your rig is not wired for Sat. What I did was I got a exterior RV Coax outlet. I put it on the outside of my rig opposite the TV cabinet. Drilled a hole just big enough to put the coax through, used silicone to seal coax outet and fastend to side of rig with screws provided.
If your worried about this part have CW hook it up for you..
Tailgater Outlet
white or black