I rv wrote:
. . . when i questioned him he said this in the newest eastern arc dish a 1002,it just picks up sats 61.5 and 72.7 . . .
I think this is a 1000.2 with a
EA Twin LNB.
I rv wrote:
no more 77 which only carries latino channels,the new dish is very similar to the to the old dish 500 in size and construction,for the past 3 or 4 years i wondered why i needed sat 77 because when in mh i usually just aim at 72.7 and receive all my hd programing except locals which are on 61.5,just thought this might be helpful to those of you considering new dish for eastern arc the big advantage is the smaller size.
Both the 1000.2 and 1000.4 now have Eastern Arc (EA) and Western Arc (WA) LNB arms.
I'm sticking with my 1000.4 because I think it's better built than a 1000.2 and for me having all three EA sats (61.5, 72, & 77) is better than just 61.5 & 72 because . . .
- There are stations on 77 other than just Latino (for example, local stations)
- I find aiming 3 sats actually easier than just 2.