I got a small (140x140x140mm) Filiment printer (note there are two types of printers and several sub types.. This is one type) 65 watts (Flashforge Finder Lite) it's printing as I type.. You lose power the print needs to be re-started.
The one I have connects to the computer via SD card (Included with the printer) so you do not tie up a computer and add it's power load to the print.. Some connect via Wi-Fi,some by USB drive, some by other means some need the computer live to "Serve" the file. Mine does not.
Filiment printers do not turn out the very best quality print and have serious issues with some complex designs.. but are still a lot of fun and useful as well. I've printed some replacement parts.. Some tools (Printing a tool just now) Some Political Statements (no further comment) some 3-d Signs including
Not in Jail, NOt in a Mental hospital, Not in a Grave - I'd say I'm having avery good day (Note glittery sliver on purple not the best contrast but I had to try it) Just for fun I printed a musical instrument (Soprano Recorder) The young lady playing it seems to like it per her mother (I still am not sure how good the sound is..Got to ask the young lady, not her mother). An Alto (Longer won't fit my printer.
The other type of printer is Resin...NOW this produces a much higher quality print but.
1 The resin is a "Haz-mat" material before printing... With this type of printer you need to put it under a vent hood (Not something I can do here) and you fill a tank with the resin.. To print a light source moves up through the liquid. the lights (LED's? I do not know) "Set" the resin. very fine detail is possible here.
Once the print is done you lift it out (Glove up first) and transfer to a wash tank.. Was and rinse (The wash and rinse are also haz-mat and must be properly stored and disposed of) I don't think I'll be getting one of those.
Multi Color prints are possible