qtla9111 wrote:
AllegroD wrote:
Why do so many berate the OP about a free lunch. It was offered to entice a customer to the store. I would not go to the store for a free lunch and I am only 18 miles from a store. The offer might entice me to go if I had some things I wanted. If I did and they did not have the lunch and the lack of care and communications the OP listed, I would write about it here, also.
That´s what marketing is all about, getting the customer in the door. If you promise that, no matter how small the offer is, what is the message you are sending when you don´t comply with your offer?
Poor customer service will follow. Geez, if you can´t throw a couple pups on the grill and get people excited about rving how in the heck are you going to sell an rv?
The op showed the ad to the csr, clueless csr.
So many forum members condescend upon the op's. And it's often the same people.
The ad was false. If it wasn't the GSTeam should fess up to the truth here and not be afraid , but put on the adult pants.