One of the things that might get you is if you are also shutting down the modem, its possible that when it wakes up it will acquire a different IP address and that could cause loss external control with the cameras. When my cameras reset the first thing they do is send me their new IP and its a simple matter of changing the viewer IP in the iPhone.
Ive never understood why it is that routers start to lock-up a few years down the road, even after FW updates, etc., but its a well known fact that it happens.. I have probably 5 in the garage now, including 2 Linksys. You might consider replacing that router before you take off, just because..
To the timer: We did this on a remote radio site with a cranky WRT54. Used a digital timer that would shut it and the other gear down on Sunday night around 3AM and wake the entire pile up fresh.