VPN are not illegal,
There are no laws against using a VPN,
Using a VPN to watch a British Television show from Florida or Australia because the BBC doesn't want to supply it to them , is not against the law, it's the 2023 version of using a multiband shortwave radio to listed to distant forgien Radio stations, if the BBC or any other service AKA YouTube is putting cost free streaming on the internet does geo-blocking to Web users, because your web IP address is not regional to them, it's dumb, it's short sighted, as it curtails possible viewership, I was NOT suggesting doing anything illegal, only suggesting using a VPN when out of town , would allow a person to watch the same video streams as when at home base, vpns are geographic by Nation , you can choose the server IP by country , you can camp in Texas and have the VPN use a server in France or Australia, AFAIK this is not be TEXAS and choose New York or Calif,
And your paid services usually don't care where you are, because you use your personal account and login to access them,
I have Amazon Prime for over ten years, I know the IP address for my Verizon Phone changed Everytime I moved the RV, but whenever I turned on the computer and logged in to watch a TV series or movie on prime video, it worked , I didn't have a VPN then and don't now, my account, my device, my yearly PMT,
Vpns add a level of privacy and security not obtainable by other means, I just have not felt compelled to use one .. Yet
But that day is not too far off ,
I'm above average when it comes to the internet and computers, but I'm not the IT super tech, that my son is, but he wouldn't be what he is if he had not followed my interest , I am more advanced in electronics and hardware than he is,
Any way I know the day is coming when I will choose a VPN service to use, many of you would be safer online if you used one,
My skill level has prevented me having the computer problems many of you have run into, and complicated your life, I have an Anti-Tracking Background service running on my phone and on this Tablet, we all know Google watches us, our browsing etc..
But very few people realize how almost every App on your phone is always running in the background with hidden data gathering services, analytical used for marketing and sold to other entities , thousands of pieces of data collected everyday your name device location, what you are doing with that phone
Here are a few screen shots, if you are concerned about privacy , this should scare you, almost 200,000 tracking attempts blocked in the past 7 days,
The first image is just a few of the apps container trackers from other apps or data companies, AKA. Data mining

Click For Full-Size Image.
The image below is some of the trackers in One app, I enjoy this app.. America's Best Pics & Videos, These are trackers inside this app collecting data , I am Not on Facebook, I do not have a Facebook account, Facebook should not be paying ABPV to include it's tracker and be collecting my info, I am not a Facebook user !! Google 4700+ attempts too track data, Facebook 1003 attempts too track data, and this is from inside ABPV

Click For Full-Size Image.
This image below, is all the data Facebook is trying to collect about me, I am not on Facebook, Now please understand, Face book is just one of the trackers in ABPV there are many more, most of which are strictly data mining companies collecting and selling data , Branch Metrics is another tracker collecting the same data, one of many trackers, the number of trackers is different for each app, and some trackers collect less data than Facebook tracker, the Google tracker is in every free app you download from play store, and it collects a huge amount of data,

Click For Full-Size Image.
This is a long image, a full list of the Trackers in ABPV, listed for each tracker is the number of tracking attempts, and a number under saying how many more data items that tracker was trying to collect,
Example 26 more, 15 more, etc
If I expanded the list to show every item in each tracker the image would be 20 times longer than what is shown

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