pianotuna wrote:
Hi Gdetrailer,
Actually my use is for an apartment type condo. I can stream Netflix successfully at 520 k/s which is the throttled speed for Bell. It does take it a while to download and then buffer.
I did switch from Sasktel which was a mistake--as their throttle speed is 2meg/s. I did it to try to save $2 per day. I can't go back to the plan I had on Sasktel, unfortunately.
I want to be able to watch some "regular" television.
Sometimes the "grass is not greener on the other side", there are always some catch to cheaper services..
We went from a 1.5mbps DSL to 300Mbps cable Internet service, cost was more but since DW must work from home and DD is taking College classes which are now all online, the speed and latency of DSL wasn't cutting it any more. DSL was grandfathered $80 per month unlimited use to now $125 per month and now we have 1.5TB data cap.
Fortunately we do not stream movies or TV programs as I am not paying for 10 separate services which range from $5 per month to as much as $40 per month.. If I did, it would cost MORE than my Dish service not including the data HD quality video would use.
If you condo allows, put up a outside OTA antenna and see what is out there..
Honestly, I find that we have plenty of stuff to watch even on our Dish, I believe we have to "Top 200" channel package. Plenty of stuff there, we make a lot of use of the DVR, recording stuff through the night then playing it back when we can't find anything redeeming to watch. Dish also often will open up some of the pay channels like Epix and all of the Movie Channel/Stars channels for a long weekend once and a while.. I set the DVR to record everything of interest on those weekends.
Do I like paying $100 a month for Dish?
No, I miss my old 12Ft C band dish providers, used to get more channels plus all paid movie stuff like HBO/CinMax/Epix/MovieChannel all for $30 per month.. The last non commercial C band programmer left the market around 2008 or so..
But alas, as time goes on, we all have to move on and pay more, it was great while it lasted..
Now I am seeing an alarming trend where a lot of the content providers are launching their own streaming services, trying to capitalize on those folks who think they are going to save bunches of money with streaming.
What happens however is some content may be available exclusively on one streamer and not on any other streamer (IE Apple has their exclusive content, Netflix has their exclusive content, Amazon has their Exclusive content, Disney has their exclusive content and so on... This now means you will be forced to subscribe to multiple streamers.. That means more little bills to pay and after a while you lose track of just how much it costs to keep your self entertained as a cord cutter. Once those streamer have you hooked, they start chipping out content creating "tier levels" which won't be available on the lowest cost Tier.
This is not unlike Sat and Cable companies with channel packages and most folks don't seem to see the potential harm in subscribing to multiple streaming services since it sounds so cheap.. All of those little bills add up fast.
The base pay streams are also limited to ONE streaming device on the account to be active so if you have a family of 4 you will pay 4 times more for that service depending on their Tier pricing.. Something else missed is most pay streamers the base price may not include HD video, if you want HD then you are going to have to pay for the Premium package cost.. Hidden costs, you must read all of the TOS terms before committing..
Content providers have found a much cheaper avenue by not having to pay for broadcast/cable/sat infrastructure when there are millions of suckers to pay for the Internet Data they will need to use for those services.