pianotuna wrote:
Your comment on 10 separate services is why I wanted the free ones.
The problem with all of the "free" services is they WILL ALL eventually go away in one way or the other.
What is happening now is the well established content providers have been very quietly buying up all of the "libraries" of content and making that content available exclusively on their streaming platform.
What you are going to see happen is those little free providers will be squeezed out of business because they no longer have better content available or they may be relegated to extremely old content that is "public domain"..
With the Public domain material, you will have to wait a 100 yrs or more to see newer content..
You may even find some of those little streaming outfits using bootleg video which could even be a copy of a VHS captured off the air, copied multiple times then converted to digital..
Pretty much all TV and movie material is still under some form of copy right even movies from the 1930s can still be under copy right..
Best thing I can tell you is to try a few of the free services you found to see if they will stream at your capped speed, see if they have any material you want to watch and see if the quality is acceptable to you..
Heck, I have a Cousin that is perfectly fine watching 1950s-1960s reruns on PBS stations and on some of the old rerun sub channels (like ME TV)the OTA broadcasters carries..
But if you are looking for new material to watch, you are most likely going to have to pony up for the big streamers (like Apple TV) as they have the money to buy out huge vast libraries of content..