K Charles wrote:
If you pay for cell service to get Wi-Fi I would not call that free. Free TV is still free if you use an antenna. I think there is more advertising then anything else on all TV free of not.
Lines have been blurred, folks think just because they can stream something for "free" that it IS free.
It ISN'T free if you have to use phone/cable Internet provider which did not come free to you.
I ma not a fan of streaming stuff, generally you get what you pay for, JUNK, poor quality streams, old, old reruns, old material, tired old shows or movies that absolutely no one ever wants to see again.
Even the paid streaming services you are not getting much better, perhaps a bit more commercial free but in reality, old movies, old shows that if you are patient enough end up running over and over on sat and cable channels hundreds of times per month.
Personally, you have to ask yourself, is that streaming service going to provide the MATERIAL that I am interested in?
Over time, I do expect you will find most of the "free" streams will go away, they will either be bought up and put out of business or be squeezed out of business when all the material they can get dries up as libraries are bought out by the bigger streamers (sort of like what happened to the Charlie Brown Holiday specials which were bought up by Apple, folks were so mad at Apple after no Halloween special aired that Apple was forced to strike a deal with PBS to provide OTA Thanksgiving and Christmas specials).
Then all that will be left is monopoly premium streaming services with exclusive content only available on certain streams.. Requiring one to subscribe to many different streamers costing you more in the end.
All the OP can do, is try the ones they found and see if the "free" content works for them.