I have CB radios in my truck and motorhome. Both have weather channels with weather alerts. You are correct that there is not very much chatter going on these days. However it does heat up around big cities and big traffic delays. I have been able to use suggested detours by truckers to escape the deadlock.
We typically go camping with others in our small RV club. We communicate by CB radios. You can tell your buddy ahead of you almost instantly when his bike falls off the rack. After swerving of course. Or the flat tire we all seem to get.
The last time we were in Grand Canyon I don't remember our cell phones working so no Google maps for us. The Garmin never quit working.
Now we are making the switch to GMRS. Yes you do need a license but the range is fantastic. My motorhome has a 40 watt GMRS. We tested our CB radios against the new (for us) GMRS and the GMRS won the range test hands down.
Since the GMRS is UHF (high frequency) the antennas are smaller. I have a 1/4 wave antenna on the top of my motorhome and it is only 6 inches tall. The ground plane needed is much smaller also.
I have read that the organized Jeep events have started to switch over to GMRS. CB is AM which is noisy. GMRS is FM no noise. I have also heard that organized RV Events use GMRS.
Anyway whatever floats your boat.