1Milehigh wrote:
Thanks for all the replies, I used to have streets and trips and it would send me down dirt roads and inconvienient routes. I always fount it difficult to go the way I wanted instead of the programs way, same with garmin and Magellan.
Ok it is up to the user to review the settings in the software. There is a place to set preferences, such as no toll roads, ferries, etc and also dependent on whether you want the fastest, shortest or your preferred road. You also need to preview the route it takes you so that it is not going a weird way. Also realize not all POI are on all GPS units. Unless the user has a RV or Trucker gps, the user also needs to watch the road for signs saying bridge heights and be aware of his own RV height. Basically become familiar with your software & gps and realize that each one is going to be a bit different as are paper maps made by different printers. Also be aware that the online maps are also different and can create different routes for point A to B to C.