Each brand of GPS will have its own routing and POIs embedded in its structure/system. If you're unhappy with Garmin product results, don't go with a Garmin product again.
I've never used the routing with our Garmin GPS to take me places so am very satisfied with our two Garmin handheld eTrex units. Which we use for hiking and I use for navigating with one connected to the laptop, using a Garmin legacy program called nRoute. Navigating in the bush on old jeep tracks or goat trails, that is. Not in the city.
We have no cell coverage at our cabin or in most of the areas we explore so GPS is the best solution for us.
Ironically, this past weekend we were on a track that needed the truck's 4x4 in some spots to continue, and darn if the GPS didn't have it as a routable road. If someone unfamiliar with the area headed down that route with their car or RV they'd be in for an awful time.
When I chatted with Garmin reps a few years ago, their focus was on POIs. No interest in improving their service to the few who get out into the backcountry where there are no coffeeshops, hotels, banks, restaurants, etc.