Time for an update I guess. I have met the local club members and one lives about 1/2 mile from me, so that will be very helpful indeed. His wife and mine got along very well also.
I have received my test study guide a few days ago and am reading it now. I did do a practice test before I got the guide just to get an idea of what it is all about and see what areas I need to work on. Basic electronics I know a bit about and did well there. I scored 57% a few of which were sheer guessing and so the score does not reflect my knowledge of the subject. Now that I have the study guide I can spot the questions I missed and will home in on them.
A medical surprise has created a lot of idle time I did not expect. Our planned two month trip is cancelled because I got a pacemaker implanted two weeks ago and will not be doing much for the next month or two. The good news is that no blockages were found with the catherization so the pacemaker was implanted the same day. Since then my energy level has risen and color improved according to DW and MIL.
So, starting the study book it appears to me that in a month or so I should be ready to test. DW and MIL really want me to get on with it (maybe to get me out of their kitchen), so I plan to go ahead at a good but not frantic, pace.
Hopefully I will be talking to you good folks next year.