Whew! I passed the technician exam yesterday! I was talked into taking the General since I got 100% on the first one and there would be no extra charge. I have not seen let alone looked at a general study guide, but I finally relented just so I could see what it wa like. Scored 17 right out of 35. Good guesser I guess.
Now on to getting the equipment I was given operational. I was given a Yaesu FT-221R and a Kenwood TR 7400A. Both apppear to be ‘70s vintage and likely not turned on since the early 2000’s when the owner passed away.I have tracked down manuals for both radios and have made a local friend who is an extra class ham and has agreed to be my “Elmer”. He and I will be slowly warming my equipment up and see if it will come out of it’s deep sleep and still work or will need new capacitors, etc. the adventure begins.