Forum Discussion

albow's avatar
Nov 14, 2014

How do I reinstall IE 11?

MY computer has gotten verrrryyyy slow on several websites but not all. Ex: Typing in the search bar on the groupon website,it accepts a character input then takes 2 to 20 seconds to accept another. I have also noticed typing on another forum that it leaves a lot of characters out, probably for the same reason, just not near as slow. It also seems slow to load and act on many sites. I tested my speed, which is fine, then called my provider. We checked using chrome and everything ran fine so she said to upload the newest vesion of IE (yes, I know chrome is supposed to be better, blah blah, but I am used to IE and didn't like chrome when I tried it). I went to MS site and tried and it said I had the latest version. I found a spot elsewhere on the site to force a download and when it finished, it said I already had the latest version and so nothing ended up happening. I then attempted to load IE10 so I could reload 11 and each time I click the load 10 button, it reverts to trying to give me 11 again with the above noted results. What can I do?
  • Well, It really didn't fix it, only helped a little and the cccleaner hasn't done anything. Time to try the others before I try a full reinstall. I don't guess a goback to when it was running okay would help, would it? Not even sure if I have that on here.
  • albow wrote:
    I guess not. As far as bugs and malware goes, yes. My registry updates each computer usage and it runs a full virus scan each week. It's F-secure, provided by Charter, my internet provider and has always seemed to catch things and protect me.

    I would get rid of the Anti Virus provided by your ISP. This is probably nothing more than tracking software to keep track of where you go what you write and so forth so other companies can target ads and spam to you on FB Twitter and almost every other site you visit. This is $$ to your ISP. Download a free AV like Bitdefender...rated as top Editors pick by PC Magazine. Your AV from the ISP is undoubtedly slowing your system down.

    While IE 11 and 12 are much faster than their predecessors they are still not as good or as SECURE as Firefox. There is a reason people are telling you to change.

    Go into your startup utility and see what is starting up when you turn your computer on...disable most of the unecessary programs. Just google the names of each and you will get a very quick idea which are needed and which are not. This will not mean you cannot get those to startup they just wont do it automatically. These really slow you down.

    Now download a program like MalwareBytes. Its free and it works very well. Companies use it to clean their systems. Run it and it will clean up a lot of junk that could be slowing you down.

    Again if you can't get IE to work then download the Firefox and use it to get your system clean...then go back to IE if you want. But my bet is you wont.

    There are many other things you could do but it is too lengthy to explain here. For help on doing any of this just google the problem and you will find a good answer (Usually)

    Hope this helps.