Gdetrailer wrote:
delwhjr wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
delwhjr wrote:
I had an HP Laptop that used that wireless adapter. It had many issues over its life and one was slow speeds. I replaced it with an external adapter and all was right with the world.
Am using an HP laptop Though it Wi-Fi's at 5 Gig.. The speedometer wrapped the needle round the pin when I plugged in a CAT 5 adapter and hard wired it.
When mine is hard lined it performs great. When it was using the original WiFi adapter there were many issues. Adding an external USB solved these and gave me the 5ghz ability. The original adapter was only 2.4.
By using hardwired Ethernet or a USB external WiFi card you are bypassing the internal Broadcom WiFi adapter which from the complaints I found when looking up the model number the OP gave appears to be either a flakey adapter or possibly flakey drivers.
Has nothing to do with not being able to use 5ghz..
This seems to be a common and mainly a HP laptop issue with their WiFi radio cards.
I didn't find any other laptop manufacturers with this same common complaint (they most likely are using other WiFi radio card manufacturers, Dell is using Qualcomm WiFi cards).
Surprised the OP hasn't had this issue before although it is possible that their Frontier modem/router/AP 2.4ghz WiFi radio is going bad.
Rather than beating ones self to death trying to figure out why the HP WiFi isn't up to par anymore on old PC equipment, bypassing with pretty much any external USB WiFi radio will most likely fix the problem permanently.
On edit,
Since the speed problem is mainly the laptop, the OP could take the laptop to any place like McDs or a coffee shop that offers free WiFi to see if the laptop connects at speeds greater than 7 Mbps.
If they get a connection greater than 7 Mbps then it may be an issue with their ISPs modem/router/AP which may need replaced in this case.
If they continue to get speeds of 7 Mbps at other locations that offer free WiFi. Then the issue must be the internal Broadcom WiFi radio card. The fix would be bypass with an external USB WiFi radio and not bother trying to figure out why the internal one isn't working correctly..
In my case it doesn't bypass it because I removed it completely from the unit (has a nice little removable cover). The new external one is all the way to WiFi6 compatible.