coolmom42 wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
2oldman wrote:
coolmom42 wrote:
Verizon does not differentiate between phone data use and hotspot data use.
Unless I'm reading the plans wrong, they do. You can get 'unlimited' data but no hotspot. If you want hotspot they will allot you so many gigs, then throttle you.
This is true. After the hotspot allotment, it does throttle but as long as you are using standard def, it still works OK.
Sorry... I misworded that statement.
Verizon treats all PHONE data the same. If you are using the built-in hotspot on your phone, it's just part of your data plan. You will get throttled for any data use over 22 GB IF usage is very heavy in your area. I've only had that happen once, near a college campus.
If you have a separate hotspot device, that has its own data.
This isn't entirely correct either.
My plan is for 15gb personal hotspot, after that its slowed to 600kbps or something like that. But my data plan is for unlimited which Verizon says CAN be throttled after 22gb in times of congestion. Ive never been throttled, but I live in rural area.
The newest plans that just were released in the last month or so have different limits depending on how much you pay, but are similar in how they are structured.
BTW some of the cheapest plans dont even have personal hotspot.
Or you could avoid this whole mess and play the shows and TV channels off you phone through the cables I talked about in my previous post. If you are not in a heavy use area, you dont get throttled. You can watch 300gb of movies a month and not have to worry about being throttled. And its in HD.