strollin wrote:
I had an unlimited Millenicom plan a few years back on the Sprint network and it was terrible so cancelled it. Unlimited was a joke since, if you exceeded 20G, they sent you notices that you should keep your usage to below 20G.
I recently looked into Millenicom with a MiFi on the Verizon network. Data cap of 20G, I asked what the charge per Gig was if 20G was exceeded and was told there was no charge, they just cut you off at 20G. That was a deal breaker for me.
You get warnings on the Sprint plan when you exceed 50 GB not 20 GB Works great for 95% of people . Some people just can't use it due to their needs . Those that require excess data have to deal direct with Verizon and pay lots of extra money for needed use over the amount Millenicom can provide . This is due to their deal with Verizon . But for most of us it is the best deal out there. Sorry you are the 5% exception but that is hardly Millenicom's fault.