Forum Discussion

5thwheeleroldma's avatar
Nov 23, 2015

I-Phone for Each Spouse?

If we get I-phones, should I get 2, one for each of us. Or do you guys make do with one I-phone per family?
  • 5thwheeleroldman wrote:
    If we get I-phones, should I get 2, one for each of us. Or do you guys make do with one I-phone per family?

    You should also investigate if there are shared phone plans for family phones (one set of minutes for example, shared among all the phones). Same for data.
  • OK, got it! Pretty well guessed that I should not be a cheapskate! Thanks.

    If I could modify my thread a little --- what features (apps?) do you use most? Facebook? My granddaughters use something else, can't remember, PINTREST??
  • DW and I each have one. The extra phone costs very little except for initial expense.