om wrote:
As camperforlife noted-use it when hooked up to wifi. If you are on a limited data plan, pics can use quite a bit of data. At least that is what I think caused our jump in data usage...
Yes - you need to be careful with your "cloud" settings if you're relying on your data plan. The default on my droid as well as my daughter's iPhone were to back pictures (and other stuff) to the cloud. That means every pic you take is transmitted using your data plan to remote storage.
My opinion is that storage technology has gotten good enough that you should never exhaust the storage on your phone and/or the memory card you install. If it makes you feel better, schedule regular backups to the cloud and only when you're connected to WiFi. Otherwise, my opinion is that cloud storage is risky in ways that you wouldn't think of right away. How about targeted ads based on the content in your cloud storage? Or deriving location information from pictures you've stored? Facial recognition, too.
Read the fine print when you check that iCloud or Google Drive box. What are you giving up in exchange for that "free" storage?