Kiwi_too wrote:
Please do listen to some that are being "judgemental". People use judgement every day of their lives. Most have experience you could use. Requiring a specific answer will never work, on a forum especially, or in person, if someone believes you may want to rethink your idea. You are going to use your own judgement, based on others experience, opinions and advice. That includes weak, slow bandwidth at a CG, how streaming affects that available bandwidth (or how you might affect your fellow campers) and the use od a data plan.
As many have said, it is not because of signal but limited bandwidth (or it could also be a high latency). If a CG has a limited bandwidth and you try to take up 25% of that in streaming, you and your fellow campers will reap the consequences. That is why I take an SD (or USB) stick with movies on it. HD/H264 MP4 movies will average 1.5-2.5GB depending on the resolution you use. Red Box is a great resource. With these you do not worry about the video pausing to buffer the stream or if the neighbor cannot get to FB or email.
Great post. At the risk of being flamed, no virgin to that. When using limited free wifi at a camp ground to down load data hogging movies rates up there with not picking up after dogs, loud music, and leaving a dump station dirty. Bring your own internet for that. Suits on flame away. LOL