timmac wrote:
Version has changed there wifi plans recently, go into a Version store and talk with them, we have a large business cell phone plan already, it also works with personal cell phone plans..
It works like this, you buy a larger monthly cell phone plan so you have extra minutes left over and for $20 a month you can get a wifi jet pack with 4g and lots of minutes of its own, if your wifi goes over its uses the cell phone minutes so you have lots and lots of time, we have never gone over and I use my laptop a lot when on the road.
We have been with Version for a long time and the salesman says Version is even going to be adding better lower cost service as time goes by with the wifi..
This above is quite confusing to me.
I don't understand your reference to your jetpack (or any data device) using left over cell "minutes" on your plan. To my knowledge, data usage and voice "minutes" are always priced totally separate.
We just moved from an older Verizon plan to their new "Share Everything". I asked a jillion quesions to be sure I thoroughly understood how this new plan worked. Here's how it was explained to me:
With the new "share everything" plans from the major carriers, the first thing you do is choose "the plan". Although it sounds strange, "the plan" you choose is actually the amount of data you will be sharing between your devices(2G, 4G, 6G, 8G, 10G, etc.)
After you've selected your "plan", then you start adding devices that share that data plan. It's usually about $40 per smart phone, $20 for MiFi, notebook, etc.
On the phones you add to your plan, you get you get unlimited voice and SMS texting for each one. Any data they use for surfing or MMS texting comes out of the shared data plan's bucket.
On the older plans you still had separate allotments for data usage and for voice/text minutes. Some family plans allowed the sharing of VOICE minutes between phones.
i.e. If you had 900 voice minutes on your plan and a grandfathered unlimited data plan, you could not "borrow" from your data allotment if you went over on your voice minutes. The same was true in reverse. If you had 2000 voice minutes and only 2G of data, you couldn't "borrow" from your voice minutes if you needed more data for your MiFi.
If there was ever an unlimited everything plan -- you have a gold mine. It's my understanding that with the grandfathered unlimited data plans, any Verizon customer wanting to upgrade their phone after June 28th, 2012 has to either give up the unlimited data plan and switch to the new "share everything" plan with a 2 year contract OR pay full retail price ($600-$1,000) for their new smart phone.
Roku is a great product to supplement good OTA signals when you are near metropolitan areas. We winter in Florida in an area with fantastic digital OTA stations and thus put our Direct TV on suspension at home. For DVR service with the OTA signal, we purchased two used TIVOs with lifetime programming included.
Fortunately at the park we stay in, the local phone company makes decent DSL available for internet access. We use the DSL as the signal source for streaming. I can't imagine how much bandwidth would be required to stream movies over our 4G MiFi. If the DSL was not available to me, I'd cut way down on my Verizon cellular data plan and use a Millinicom MiFi (jetback) for data. They charge $70 for 20G of 4G service.
For those of us that don't have grandfathered unlimited data plans and want to use large amounts of data, what other choices are there?