My wife and daughter use Iphones. I'm an android guy. Here's why.
I use my phone for almost everything. I store my music on it (95 albums worth). I store my pictures on it and use it to take pictures of almost every event I go it be it camping trips, races, concerts, family get togethers etc. I can't tell you how many times my wife and daughters phones filled up and they had to do the hurry up and delete stuff (Old apps/pictures/etc they are no longer using) to free up space.
Prices range from $749-64 gig, $799-128 gig to $899-256 gig for Iphones. I can buy a 256 gig memory card for $69 for my android but apple wants to charge me a $150 premium to build in 256 gigs of memory and not give me a memory card slot. I don't think so. They also did away with their earphone plug and now use their lightning plug which made all their users go buy new earplugs.
Apple reminds me of HP Computers a few years ago when they started building computers that wouldn't fit anything but their overpriced parts if you wanted to upgrade or replace something that went bad. Power supplies that cost twice what anyone else was charging for them so it was either pay it or junk the PC and go buy a new one. Oh how the mighty fall once people catch on.
So for me, it's become a matter of your not charging me more for what I can get for less and is on a more popular platform. If everything else I had was apple, I guess I'd have to hold my nose and buy one but thankfully I never got sucked into Apples marketing and have Samsung tablets, Windows PC's and Android phones, All of which I love.