Big Rig wrote:
Charlie D......The Home button on the IPad is a round button located on one side of the front. Pressing tht button alone will take you back the initial screen with all the icons for the aps.
nomad927.........Tried the hard reboot & it didn't work.
rk911 & 100ton...........Discarded my WiFi on the IPad and added back....."IT WORKED" :B
I am wondering why I didn't think of that....:S
I am also wondering why the lady from Apple didn't know that..:?
Thanks for the replies & especially rk911 for coming up with the answer.
Big Rig
Glad you got it to work:) Most Apple tech people know that, you just got a rookie. If I get the sense that the tech person is unsure in her answers, I just ask to speak to a Senior supervisor. It is not unusual to have to delete and reinstall an account when it is not working correctly, but fortunately it dosen't happen very often.