Davydd wrote:
Cajun Bill wrote:
I wish I was still there to try some of the recommendations, but at home now. As info, I noticed that the wifi antenna was two sites over (about 75 ft. max) so I'm guessing that was close enough. The ipad did not give any indication of even sensing the signal (you know, the little antenna designation that pulses), but my Iphone did see the signal, but as far as I could tell, I was accessing the "net" via 3G rather than over the wifi. Guess I need to get a little more "edjumacated" before I can ask intelligent enough questions to solve this problem. Anyway, glad to hear that at least some others have had this same problem and thanks for the comments.
What I read is you are looking at the menu bar for the wifi detection signal to come up. It works that way on a Mac but not an iPad. If your iPad has never been on that network before, you have to go into the Settings app and first make sure you have wifi turned on to detect a signal. Then you have to select the network you want to connect to. You might be surprised in a campground how many private ones might be set up by other RVers. Click on the one you want. Some might be password protected even if free and you may have to get that password from the office. Often they are not password protected but you might have to wait for a user agreement to come up and click on an agree button. I camped in three Louisiana State Parks this spring and got on with my iPad. One did disable video which severely limited use, IMO, but not all did. I was still able to connect.
I'm guessing that you might be right because I did not go into my settings (on the Ipad) to check if the state park wifi system was detected (I assumed that it would automatically detect that there is a router available like my Iphone did) where I did see the park system listed in my settings. I immediately gave up when I did not see the indicator showing up.
I know that my wifi setting was on, because as soon as I got home, it auto picked up on my home router.