NiasWagn wrote:
mabynack wrote:
donn0128 wrote:
Our one and only trip to Europe I spent so much time behind a camera I missed Europe! Never again will I get caught up taking pictures only to have them stored in a dusty box only to be discarded after Im gone.
My grandmother was an avid semi-professional photographer and took hundreds of thousands of photos between 1915 and her death 20 years ago. My mother let me borrow the photos and scan them and digitally correct the aging. I have made dozens of digital slide shows for family members and they are a big hit.
I've discovered that random photos of flowers and scenery aren't that popular, but photos of family members and pets are priceless.
I've also been in your shoes. I've been the videographer and photographer at several weddings and family gatherings and missed a lot of what's going on.
I rather enjoy looking at old photos (scenery included). These photos capture the moment of what it was like to live in the "olden days". I really like the ones with horse, farmstead, old car or building in the background. Just thought I'd say that...
I also have scanned all my photos and I mean ALL photos to disk and now have 8 boxes of photo albums that I will give to relatives that may want them. They start from 1910 to present and they all fit on a large flash drive and are backed up on a removeable hard drive. I also take trip photos and create videos of them to view on tv. That makes them much more enjoyable and everyone can see them at once.