We used to think that CW was a great place to shop and we still go at least once a year. What I do find even better is the catalog I get free each year from one or two places. It is the old Sears and Roebuck type only for RVers, it can even go in the outhouse when you get a new one. Oh, sorry the pages are really slick.
My big diapointment is that back when we bought our rig in 1998, we had nothing and all the little things were on the floor where you could see and hold them. The second thing back then was the sales staff, a lot of old RVers. Now it seems the sales staff are young folks that know the catalog but not the needs and storage demands and all the things that we as owners need to think about. The last thing is, most of the stuff they carry like plate dispensers, plasticware, folding tables, games and the like are a lot cheaper at Wally World and we do shop there on the road because they are everywhere.
Most of my trips to CW are about 40 miles to Santa Clarita or in Wilsonville OR, about 1100 miles. They are destination trips not spur of the moment or convient. I tend to shop at Simi RV because it is close to the storage yard where we have our rig and I have become friends with "extech" who happens to work there and they give me a catalog every year for free, no special club you have to buy a membership in to get the advertised "DEALS".