Forum Discussion

sherlock62's avatar
Aug 19, 2017

Kaspersky Anti-Virus FREE Edition

Just wanted to let those here know that Kaspersky Anti-Virus Free Edition is available. I have been running/testing/evaluating this free version since its release a few weeks ago. Anyway, very effective, very clean interface and absolutely no friggin ads like you are bombarded with, with other free anti-virus programs. For example AVG Anti-Virus free, these day, will bombard you repeatedly each day with ads and such. Anyway, I encourage you to uninstall your current free anti-virus program and install Kaspersky free that you can find here. Evaluate it and take the time to comment here about it

p.s. Yes, I know the United Stated government no longer uses Kaspersky. I'm hoping that this thread does not get hammered with comments about Russia and such..
  • gatorcq wrote:
    After the news report on this company, I think I will pass on it.

    There's a bit of a history here. Last year, Microsoft intentionally began hijacking Kaspersky AV products. Eugene Kaspersky called them out on it, and they have since "corrected" their mistake. All these company's compete, and you would think that Microsoft wouldn't care since it's free with the OS, but they do. So Microsoft launched a slander campaign that reached Congress, and hence the bad PR. Eugene Kaspersky offered to testify in person to Congress for as long as they want regarding his software and business. It's a point of fact that Kaspersky and Bitdefender have long held the top spots for best antivirus, with most top nerds agreeing that Kaspersky is the best, but also the most expensive. Kaspersky is based in Russia, so that makes people nervous, but the fact it's based in Russia is the source of it's strength. They are on the leading edge of whats happening in cybercrime. As we all know now, Russian hackers are the best, always have been, and that's why Kaspersky nails it first. A word about AV Comparitives. They say they are independent. They are not. They are paid by the vendors, and who do you think pays the most? Microsoft. When you see Microsoft ranked at the top, don't believe it. Their better than they use to be, but they still lag behind. The best thing to do is read many many un-sponsored antivirus reviews. Tha'ts the best way to distill the truth.