I have a HP laptop computer that is about two years old. It's been plugged in for a couple of days but shows the battery is at 1% and is not charging. Any suggestions as to how to get it to charge?
A lot of newer HP's the battery is not easily (meaning designed to be user replaced) replaced, You have to open the case. B+ may be able to to that for you. Easy if you know how (I do) but not so easy if you don't.
I had a piece of electronic toast to practice on by the way. Nice thing about Electronic toast is you can't accidently toast it. already done.
When my 12 year old laptop that still works well had battery issues I was shocked at the price of a new one... I bought instead three $10 chargers to keep around the house: one each in the living room, the kitchen and office.
Thanks, 2Oldman. I followed the tutorial, twice actually to make sure I was doing it right, and it's still not charging. Probably time for a new battery. Thanks to everyone who commented.