Leaving the page open when walking away or even leaving the computer for awhile - even for several hours or all day is no problem. But when you leave your computer and will not be using it for a length of time, turn off the computer and unplug it. Not because you are saving electricity which you are, but because if you leave the computer plugged in - even connected to a supposedly good surge protector - if there is a power surge you will lose the computer and anything connected to it. After this happened to us more than once, we learned a harsh lesson to just unplug the computer when we are not working at it, and save having to replace it. It is worth the several minutes of waiting after plugging back in and re-booting the computer to get it started again. And it is simple to route your plugs to a surge protector and then the surge protector single plug into one outlet accessible on the desk. Unplug that one plug from the outlet and walk away leaving safe equipment.