Chuck, since you asked so nice, I am a user. I should have posted more than just the website but was running out the door.
And, you're spot on. Their marketing leaves a lot to be desired. Sucks is a one word description. I had the same issues you have. Their demo is useless and they should have a trial period.
But, glad I stuck with them because the program makes planning and adjusting a longer trip very easy...only alternative to Streets and Trips I've found and I've tried them all. I just did one with about 8 stops cross country. I could easily modify based on how far we traveled. Just click on where we were and at the 4 hour ring (our choice, could be any # of hours) there were RV parks with hyperlinks to the CG website and to RV Park Reviews. Best $40 I've spent but we are doing longer trips and probably overkill for weekenders.
I can easily upload to Garmin Nuvi. I have sent in questions and they answered. If the other post question was re this program, it does work with Android. Use it all the time.