TooTall2 wrote:
For lack of anything better I use Google Maps and like it. It lets you put in via points etc...Throws out several routes and it's maps are the most accurate.
Google Maps can get you in trouble if you have a long rig -- google will take a back road to save you one minute when you would have preferred staying on the primary road. It is perfect for the car (and I always use it for the car) but dangerous for RVs. Just be careful even if you are not in some mountain terrain -- you will wind up on some road with a warning sign "No vehicles over 5 tons" or a low hanging bridge "8'6 clearance"
I am also looking for a good GPS solution for RVs. I downloaded Basecamp and tried it.. it was too difficult to figure out so I quit and hoping there is something else out there. If I dont find one, I may have to try basecamp again and waste half a day learning it.