Put it all in a box under the seat, and just DRIVE the thing without all the distractions! No wonder so many people get killed every day by distracted drivers! All of the junk is nice, but just like a cell phone they are DISTRACTIONS, and seriously reduce your attention span while driving. Find out where you are, and where your are going BEFORE getting in the drivers seat, then just apply all your attention and senses to DRIVING! If a person cannot drive a vehicle on the road without all the devices,, then they should not be on the road endangering the lives of not only themselves, but the people and children in other vehicles also. This is not just a rant, but well documented and seen EVERY day on roads all over the US. The only things needed to drive safely are FIRST_ A DRIVERS FULL ATTENTION, then a steering wheel, brakes, and if you are lucky, a gas gauge and speedometer. Lots of us have driven millions of miles safely with nothing but a drivers full attention. And all of us have seen untold deaths due to lack of driver attention.