^^^^^^Well, that is one person's opinion, not shared by me.
GPS is super and you can have mine when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Trying to move across 2 lanes of busy traffic because you're in the wrong lane, and had no idea, is pretty darned stressful. The GPS lets you know well in advance how the Exit/Entrance lanes are set up, no paper map will do that.
The TPMS would have saved me from being in the middle of nowhere with a disintegrating tire, perhaps even warned me of the blowout of the previous tire. I don't need to monitor the screen though, it has audible warnings that work very well.
I can do without the cell phones though, don't use them while driving and don't care for them too much in general. I have an MP3 player that I can use for books, but do find it a bit distracting to use while towing, so I don't use it.