Thanks = lots of good info here, although some I don't understand exactly due to limited tech knowledge.
I was hoping, or wishing that one could 'download' a movie, for example, over a few minutes, and then watch it as if it was an electronic DVD, sorta.
But, am seeing it's a continuous drain on the ISP service. I watched once a live ball game and it took half my monthly BW for three innings. Not such a great idea, that one.
We don't watch a lot of TV - either on the road or home, and just returned from a six month trip with NO TV at all. And, yes, books fill the time easily. But, was looking for a more interesting way to watch it some of the time, at least. We do like movies - after an absence like this, and turning the cable back on - we realized the shows are downright terrible ... poor quality directing and acting for the most part - and complete idiocy fills the half-hour 'reality shows' - most anyway ... a few rescue and services shows are a little better (Nature shows, etc)
I guess TV truly sucks because enough of the public doesn't care and simply buys into it ... thus, no incentive for producers to improve quality of products or presentation. Reading, reading and more reading - at least there we get some learning and quality if you are selective in book choices.
AND, thanks wizard - will browse this one ...
ON EDIT: wizard, yes, exactly what I wanted - although when I try to find that, it continuously asks me to "join and sign-up' before it lets me search. Are you a member, is that why you get this? The chat tech even sent my a link, but it only allowed me to sign-up before it would let me in... Course, could be my tech stupid self.