I have been sticking with Samsungs (Currently an S-7) I think they have a new 5G model as well. though you can read the yammer about 5g and make up your mind on that.. (I do not have one and it would do me no good T-mobile tells me).
My S-7 is currently feeding a whole bunch of stuff. Two ham radio "hotspots" (Voice over Internet) 4 Laptops. and a tablet via assorted paths. I burn about 100 Gigs a month or more.
I can talk and type at the same time. An incoming call WILL NOT knock me off line.
I miss an I/R emitter however (My older S-5 and S-3 were also TV Remote Controls)
but one advantage of sticking with "the devil you know" is most everything works the same and once you log into your account.. Most of your apps (A few won't work on the new phone) will re-load.