Gdetrailer wrote:
I explained this issue is pretty much everyone now days considers it a "free" phone when they can take an old one in and walk out with a shiny new phone with the newest latest gadgets and it cost them NOTHING, no money exchanged hands, that is what they have been told by the marketing people and they believe it is true so you cannot debate it with those folks..
Mostly agree with you since phone companies will make money and the customer is the only one paying any $'s. That said, a customer may consider it free because they don't have a choice of a lower bill if they opt to forgo the new phone. I recently got a new S20 by changing phone carriers. My new bill doesn't include any extra payment for the phone. The amount I pay is exactly the same as the plan rate anyone else would pay. There is no way for me to get a cheaper plan by saying I'll use my existing phone. The plan cost is the same whether I accept a new phone or not.