GDS-3950BH wrote:
What is the point?
By the time you spend the time and effort to set up a dish on a tripod that automatically aims itself to different birds, why wouldn't you just set up a 3 LNB dish such as a Dish 1000.2 or better yet a 1000.4 if you can find one, on a tripod, and manually align it one time? The same amount of work and effort and hits all 3 birds used at the same time for less than $150.
Then it's just a matter of having the correct wiring inside the RV to use whichever recievers you care to.
The video looks like a couple of geezers in some retirement RV park decided to invent the better mouse trap. It's not as major a project to align a 3 LNB dish as the guy claims, but he is trying to sell an overpriced pile of equipment.
That is not a single LNB antenna that has to move between different satellites for different channels like a dome is required to do. The antenna shown is a triple LNB setup for DISH or DirecTV (pick one) that automatically aligns the antenna to reception of all 3 simultaneously.