My clicky PDFs are coming thru windows10 edge just fine... My pics (.jpg etc) doing the same thing using one of my picture programs when I do the "clicky".
Do alot of this when finding comments that have links in the them to click on... I think there is a setting window somewhere that has a program listing of what uses what when you access them...
My main browser for the RV NET portals is FIREFOX and I also do a couple of my POLICE SCANNER BROADCASTIFY programs and WX programs using the Window10 Edge browser... FIREFOX on one 24-inch monitor and WIN10 on the other 24-inch monitor views... I can even have a third 17-inch view if I open up my LAPTOP lid screen... I was using Firefox Browser on one monitor programs and Google Chrome on the other one but the chrome started having hic-cups a few months back so now I switched to WIN10 Edge. I quit using the MS Internet Explorers a long time back... I probably should use WIN10 Edge for everything but the cloud stuff scares the heck out of me...
Things have been pretty stable for sometime now running everything from my INSPIRION 17R5737 Dell laptop running i7-4500U cpu chip and 8GB ram......
Probably going to start changing now since I gave it a thumbs up haha...
Everytime I get updates makes me nervous on what gets reset or changed from normal... Wish they would leave my cookies alone haha...
Was using my old DELL M90s workstations running XP=PRO only a few years back - this thing I use now screams haha
Of course with all of todays virus threats that only means you get hit faster perhaps haha
So far so good for me...
Roy Ken