Oh I left somethign out of my last post.
With antennas there are two opposed factors: Beam width and forward gain (How far away it can "See")
An Omni has a beam width of 360 Degrees and unless they do some stuff like stack elements and add lots of amplification the range is kind of ... short. Very weak eyes as it were.
As you make the antenna more directional (Narrow the beam width) well it's kind of like a telescope or 'Field Glasses' (Binoculars)
Sitting in the nosebleed seats at Detroit's Masoinc Temple Theater you look down the the ants dancing around on the stage.
Grab a pair of Opera glasses (around 3-4 power Binoculars) and well they are people.
Grab a pair of say 7 power Field Glasses and you are like 3rd row center (Can't see the whole stage at the same time) I actually did this... Phantom of the Opera (Sir Andrew's version) Fantastic show. went back to see it a 2nd time this time I sat on the main floor not the upper balcony.
Same with the antenna
The thghter the beam width the farther it sees so a station 40,50.60 miles is not out of the question with the Sensar IV
But if that station is very far off center (The direction you aim) you wont' see it.
With the jack you won't see as FAR. but you see more "off to the side" due to gtreater beam width.
I go for distance.