Thanks for the info. I love our TiVo Ramios but I sure didn't know about TiVo online or TiVo Stream. Does TiVo online require OTA access while you use it?
I went to their website and find it rather lacking in a thorough explanation of how it works. When I selected "guide" for live TV, there were only a handful of cable networks showing and clicking on them did not allow you to watch anything, just record it.
When searching for "TiVo Stream", it said to purchase it in the store, but the store didn't show such an item.
Please share more details about these options.
When I go to Tivo Online and sign in, I have a few options - My Shows and Guide are 2 of them. If I click on the guide it will bring up the stations I get at home and if I click on a show it gives me the option to watch it now, or record it. under My Shows it will show me everything that has been recorded on the Tivo DVR and clicking on it will give the option to play it.
So on a rainy camping day I can bring that up on the laptop, hdmi cable to my bigger tv and watch them on a bigger screen.
For Tivo Stream you can look here
StreamIts a small box that you hook up that will let you stream or download to phones or tablets. You need to download the tivo app for your device. If i am somewhere out of cell service I can download the shows to my tablet while at home and watch them later. Generally I have cell service so I just stream them.
Another gadget we have is the Tivo Mini. We have this up in our bedroom and it basically hooks up to the main Tivo DVR so you can watch recorded shows from the main DVR or watch live TV on a different TV in your house. Two people can be watching different recorded shows simultaneously. I forgot what the number of Tivo minis can be hooked up to the main box - maybe 6-8
Hope it helps