Bucky Badger wrote:
TinyoneRV wrote:
Bucky Badger wrote:
Cw Madison has always priced matched for me. I always walk in with the thread printed out where Marcus said they price match. I also print out my amazon "cart" with shipping charges, if any.
Bucky, That doesn't negate my position and statement. No brick and mortar business can compete with an internet business on price in the long term.
Whats your estimated time that best buy and walmart will be out of business.
At the end of every fiscal quarter or so, you'll see a small news story pop up about how BestBuy isn't doing so hot... I would not be surprised if a BestBuy bankruptcy were a hot news story tomorrow or any day.
Walmart is a totally different animal. You're not going to order everyday consumable items, food, most clothing, etc.. off the Internet. That's where they make their money, not on high-dollar durable goods.