I have an OKI color laser in the home office, but I would never try to carry it on the road. It is too heavy and massively power hungry.
In the coach that was my traveling office, meeting room, electronic instrument shop, restaurant, tool crib and occasional motel for the specialized boat work the I did between consulting jobs. I have carried the same Canon multi-function. It draws 24watts and before I had the big inverter, I carried a tiny one to do this and some other odd things (like run my temperature controlled soldering iron). I never had an ink cartridge dry out before I ran it out. I carried the spares and the cord(s) inside the unit when it was stored for travel.
The Canon and HP printers cap the ink jets well enough that lack of use is just never an issue with either.
Because I was also doing development work for OEs at the time, going to an unsecured printer was never acceptable for me either.
I only used to use OE cartridges. Yes, they cost more, but they are more reliable and they are a deductible business expense.
Both the Oki and the Canon are getting a little worn at this point, but so am I and now I am retired so deductible is not so important. I may put the Canon back aboard for the year's excursion, I also may not. The Oki is now a resident on the SOHO net.